Friday, October 22, 2021

Non-coders guide to making a VR game with Normcore, VRIF and Unity Part -1

So first off, if you are an amateur game designer you probably have no business trying to use normcore to make your game. However, if you are a glutton for punishment and you want the coolest possible tool for creating a game in unity with networking and multiplayer features it does some things VERY well.

The catch is it's designed as a coding framework for programmers to use so it's not SUPER easy to figure out if you don't have much programming knowledge. BUT noob game designers never let a stupid thing like coding stop them from trying to make games anyway so let's get started.

Things you will need

In order to actually make progress with little to no coding you are going to need to get a couple tools. They aren't too expensive particularly if you manage to grab them on a frequent sale. They are often half price.


1. PlayerMaker ($60 for $30!)

2. VRIF (VR Interaction Framework) ($60 for $30!)

3. Normcore (free for development)

Getting started

Installing the items is pretty straight forward, it is WAY simpler than it was to set up VR related things in unity even a year ago.

Please comment if you are interested in this subject!

Part 2 we will discuss how to set up the XR Rig character from VRIF with normcore!