Friday, October 22, 2021

Changing Direction of Mayazest Blog

Hey everyone who might find yourself in this neck of the woods. This post is to just mention a bit of a change in direction for this blog. We will still be posting Maya tips most likely but  because the times they be a changing, there are going to start being a lot more Unity and even Blender info on this blog as well. I know BLENDER? Over the last 3 years blender has become ALOT more like Maya, so this isn't as absurd as it used to be.

So before you break out the tar and feathers let's talk for a moment about why! 

So for starters maya costs $200 a month to use now which didn't used to be the case before they switched to a subscription model. So we will also be posting tips about how to use Blender if you are from a maya users standpoint. We are also beginning to slant more into game development instead of Visual effects here at maya zest so that's another reason things will be changing a bit.

Hope you enjoy your day and keep on zesting!