Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Find the Playmaker FSM That is Turning Off a Game Object


A Game Object is getting turned off by a Playmaker FSM somewhere, is there a way to find a reference to the FSM or Action doing it?


There are a few ways to track down this kind of info.

If the deactivated gameobject has an FSM that's receiving an event to deactivate itself you can right click on the event in the Debug Log to see who sent the event.

If it's just an FSM deactivating an object it's a little more difficult. It's probably the result of an Activate Game Object action, so I would right click that action in the Action Browser to see everywhere that action is used. Then start using the log or breakpoints to narrow it down further.

You could also pause the game right after the object is deactivated and examine the FSM logs for likely candidates.

This was from: https://hutonggames.com/playmakerforum/index.php?topic=4425.0

Reposting here to be easier for myself to find and maybe could help others too as it took a while of searching to get the right keywords to answer this.