Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Maya export FBX problem, no .fbm folder or textures when selecting embed media

Problem: When trying to do a Maya FBX export the .fbm folder never appears, and of course neither do it's textures when exporting with "Embed Media". Furthermore, all the textures are NOT embedded in the FBX file itself. Leaving you without proper textures.

Option 1: Copy all your textures into one spot using the repath in the filepath editor. So that they are in one location. To open the File Path Editor, select Windows > General Editors > File Path Editor. In my case this actually still managed to break my textures because of some strange naming issues involving underscores. But it may work for you.

Option 2: Use the File Path Editor to visually see each folder where your textures are spread and manually copy them all into the same folder.

Now you can simply export an FBX WITHOUT "embed media" selected. And you have your textures in one location.

I believe this problem is due to some larger projects with many textures involved such as lightmap baking.