Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Export Maya Camera to After Effects

The easy way would be to use Adobe After Effects Live Link but if you have an older version of maya that may not be an option for you. :)

First in Maya.

1. Name camera starting with "Cam"

2. Name nulls you want to carry over Null_1,Null_2 etc

3. Change the maya scene to mm

(Make sure you don't save OVER your maya project after changing to mm it may screw up things.)

4. Save your scene before baking the keyframes. Then select the camera and nulls and bake them for the duration of the animation.

5. Select those items and export select as .ma

6. Then just import the .ma into after effects!

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Maya proper way to do overscan

Proper location to do overscan in maya.

DO NOT use prescale or post scale, use the Camera Scale setting.

Simply decide what percentage you want overscan. In my case 33% Then take your original NON overscan size in render settings multiply it by 1.33 (in my case) and that is your new overscan render dimensions.

If you need to offset in a direction (for instance to only have overscan on the top. you can use the Film offset setting.