Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Tips for working with Maya goleam 3.4

1. how to "fix" goleam character alpha channel when using a dome light. (appears that crowd has no alpha channel. You are actually seeing the dome alpha.

If you are using a vray dome light then it will appear that the alpha isn't working with the crowd. Make the dome invisible and then you will see it was just getting filled in with white.

2. Vray maya fix the hair issue in goleam material (hair has strange super bright highlights)

select the hair blinn shader. in attributes editor fold out "raytrace options"  and set Reflection limit to 0 or in the vray shader under reflections turn off trace reflections

3. Set goleam to matching scale in maya 
leave maya set to cm

set goleam to cm from the meters it defaults to in crowdmanagernode

then go to your crowd field node and set simulation scale to 100.

This is what you would do in the case of scanning a stadium with a lidar.
exporting from SCENE to e57>

4. IF trying to use nav mesh these settings MAY be helpful. Per face population works better for stadiums

.1Settings for navmesh

combine, delete history for object


Rasterization Voxel


Height 2. mu


uncheck "Keep Only greatest Connex Zone" in the advanced perameters tab

and delete

5. Setting up vray and goleam on Backburner

If you want BB to see vray you have to do a full install of vray on each slave. not just a standalone install.

BAT to run BB

@echo off

rem ################## Golaem Crowd
set GLM_CROWD_HOME=C:\Golaem\GolaemCrowd_351_Maya2015

rem ################## Autodesk Maya
set MAYA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2015

rem ################## System
set PATH=%GLM_CROWD_HOME%\bin;%PATH%;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\system;

rem ################## V-Ray
set VRAY_PLUGINS_x64=%GLM_CROWD_HOME%\procedurals;%VRAY_PLUGINS_x64%

rem ################## Launch Maya with the right configuration
start /d "C:\Program Files (x86)\Autodesk\Backburner" server.exe

6. populate per face seating in goleam
First create your entity type node (icon of orange and white guy)

select your crowdman.gskm

select your object , select to choose faces, select all faces

then ctrl click the population tool in the tools attributes panel select create particles on selected components

set crowd manager node to cm

goto pop tool and set reius again you should now see the green particle indicators.