Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Fix dark or black edge alpha Matte when compositing V-ray renders.

When you render a texture with an Alpha channel in V-ray for Maya you might get dark fuzzy edges where the transparency is apparently bleeding through a dark color when you go to composite. This is in fact the black (or white if it's light) background of the matte showing through from your render. You will need to -UN-premultiply it yourself in post.

3D Object with alpha channel texture

3D Render

At the time of this writing there isn't a way to fix this in V-ray for Maya, but you can do a quick fix in After Effects at the compositing stage with the "Remove Color Matting" effect. Just apply this to your 3D render layer and you are good to go!

NOTE: If you STILL have a black fuzzy edge after applying this effect it probably means that After effects is also premultiplying and you need to RIGHT click the file you are compositing in after effects project list. A menu pops up. Go to Interpret Footage>Main In the alpha setting near the top set Alpha to STRAIGHT - UNMATTED. That should fix the problem!

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