Friday, December 30, 2011

Vray Benchmark Intel i7 3930k vs AMD 1090T

I just upgraded to a new system and I wanted to show the difference in speeds in case you were interested.

The file used is a material render scene from Then the Kitchen Metal Silver material from the same website has been applied to it.

The scene is not RAM heavy so I believe both systems have an adequate amount of RAM for a test, neither system approached it's maximum during rendering.

Render Results:
AMD 1090T 6 core 8GB RAM
8:28 minutes

Intel i7 3930k 6 core 32GB RAM
3:37 minutes

This is over 130% faster. I haven't even tried overclocking this system yet but this looks very promising!

These speeds also correspond nicely with the benchmarks on

Intel 3930k benched @ 14,565
AMD Phenom 1090T @ 6,059

Gigaflops as measured by PC wizard 2010 are:
Intel 3930k benched @ 190 gigaflops
AMD Phenom 1090T @ 119 gigaflops

You can use these numbers to perhaps get an idea of what a chip upgrade might do for you.

If you are thinking of upgrading I can highly recommend it! Feel free to post your own benchmark of the same scene in the comments below.

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Thursday, December 15, 2011

Maya rendering down sampling quality difference at 3k to 1080p.

In the ever proceeding quest for quality I ran some resolution tests and thought I would post the results. The next film we are shooting on Red One MX at 4k but will master at 1080p. I'm currently planning a 3k VFX workflow for a number of reasons, but as you will see from the these test renders the quality difference is definitive.

Click the picture to see the high res difference between the images shown at 100% scaling. If you right click and save you can be sure to see the image at full size. I think the blog will scale it down some if you don't.

The right most image is a 1080p render straight out of Maya. This is rendered at the "production quality" render setting in Mental Ray. So it's not just an antialising issue. The quality just isn't as good.

Rendering at 3k and down sampling to 1080p appears to me to offer the biggest bang for the buck as to quality to render time ratio.

If I have time I will do some over sampling/ render time ratio tests to see if it's better to turn up sampling or just render larger images.

Tell me your thoughts! What do you think of pros and cons to a 3k VFX workflow?

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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Where is the measure tool in Maya?

Just in case you can't find it.

Top Maya menu "Create>Measure Tool>Distance tool.

It will create two nulls in your scene when you click twice. If you select a null and hold V when dragging it will snap to the vertex of your object. Allowing you to precisely measure between two point.

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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

V-Ray for Maya and Mudbox Displacement Tutorial

How to get your Mudbox model displacements into Maya and V-Ray 2.0? Technically this should be quite simple, but if you're using a 32-bit EXR, it's a bit harder. Here's how to get it working!